Illuminate your Darkness.
Heal your Pain.
Somatic Shadow Work
When your body hurts, your mind hurts. When your mind hurts, your body hurts.
Nowhere do we experience this more acutely than in chronic pain.
Somatic Shadow Work illuminates the darkest parts of your psyche - the complexes that interpret your pain as beneficial, the identities that say you ARE the pain, the hidden ties to painful experiences that come out sideways in your body - and allows you to resolve them.
Specific combinations of somatic practices, shadow inquiry, hypnosis, breathwork, energywork and ritual reveal the repressed aspects of yourself that are screaming to be seen so you can heal completely.
Working only with the body means working only with the slowest healing system of your Self.
This is an effective strategy for acute pain. Pain that is new and has a definitive cause. In those instances, our structure needs support. It was directly injured by some impact or force. It behooves us to remind our neurobiology of effective, beneficial, long term strategies for movement through physical intervention instead of having it come to rely on ineffective, short term crutches.
But once our pain becomes chronic, recurrent, or has no discernable cause, we are no longer talking about a physical injury. The pain we experience is a result of the body compensating for energetic and psychic imbalances that it no longer has (or never had) the resources to handle.
Addressing the body in this case may offer temporary relief, but it will not address the primary trigger.
Clients who have undergone this process have been amazed to experience
Total and lasting release of their vaginismus symptoms
Full resolution of groin and pelvic floor pain that was so severe they were put on disability
Complete relief from debilitating low back pain that had been present for 40 years
Easeful digestion and elimination after a lifetime of constipation and abdominal pain
Laughter at traumatic memories that before set them into paralyzing freeze states and wracked them with painful sensory flashbacks
Absolute relational shifts to how they live within themselves, their bodies, their relationships, and the world
Body and Mind are the same entity expressing differently.
When we treat them as separate, we reinforce the idea that you are fractured, broken, a thing that needs to be pierced back together slowly if ever at all.
You are Whole.
You deserve to Feel Whole.
Here you are treated Whole.
6 Series​​
For those who are committed to making major change. Holding space for you to experience profound healing, you can uncover the psychic and energetic roots of your pain and trauma. You are then free to move forward, planting the seeds of joyful new life.
Valid for 7 weeks
USD $2111.17
(includes tax)
6 weekly virtual Alignment & Transformation Oriented Sessions, 2-3 hours each
Multi-modal therapies supporting a full overhaul of your psychic flow and energetic foundation
Somatic practices providing lifetime resources for dissolving stress, releasing shame and helplessness, and strengthening your sense of self​​
45 days of Text/Voice Note Support​
3 Series​​
For those who need a nudge. Support your significant efforts to heal and create the conditions to release the stubborn trauma energies and pain patterns that cling and recur. Finally claim the freedom you know is yours.
Valid for 4 weeks
USD $1055.58
(includes tax)
3 weekly virtual sessions, 2-3 hours each
Multi-modal therapies affirming your healed foundation
Somatic practices to enhance your toolbox & deepen embodiment​​
28 days of Text/Voice Note Support​
What is the investment?Overall, this course holds about 7-10 hours of material including the supplemental work, depending upon how quickly you integrate. Financially, the price is currently $200. This may increase without notice.
How do I know this course will help me?As with all change in life, healing involves risk. What you gain from this portal is entirely dependent on your openness and willingness to engage with and practice what is presented to you - even (especially when) they are challenging. However, if after 60 days of immersion and dedication to these concepts and exercises you have not felt a positive shift, let me know and I will refund you your investment, plus an additional $50. Also, here is a great place to remind you of my legally required CMA medical statement: This course and it's related materials are intended for informational and educational purposes only. No content herein should be considered diagnostic nor subsituted for treatment or advice by a licensed medical professional.
I'm sure you're very nice, but what qualifies you to teach this course?"Let's start with what I'm not. I am not a doctor or psychotherapist of any kind. What I am: a licensed massage therapist, practical philosopher and energy worker who has specialized in pelvic floor function and sexual trauma release, helping thousands of clients over nearly a decade. I spent 8 years doggedly doing everything from EMDR and talk therapy to bodywork and tantra to psychotropic medications trying (and feeling like I was mostly failing) to find a way to live my life without the pain, confusion, depression, mistrust and self loathing that were my primary trauma symptoms. Most importantly, I succeeded. And I can teach you to accellerate the process.