An ode to those experiencing #trauma. An ode to those in #chronicpain.
You are a #Badass.
You are Badass not because #yousurvived. Not because you are somehow, saintedly, limping along and #MakingItHappen. Not because you manage to make everyone around you feel comfortable because you can hide the shattered-slimy-messy inside your shelled out body, zipped up behind a #smile and a few, occasional, acceptable-type tears.
You are Badass because you #Chose.
You chose to come here.
You chose to have this experience.
You chose to open your field to this agony.
And then you chose to #keepgoing.
You are choosing every day to #moveforward and do the work of unraveling the #entanglement in the excruciating "why."
"#Why is this happening?"
"Why won't it stop?"
"Why did they do this?"
And to stop that next logical misstep - those they, they chose too. You are not responsible for what others chose.
But what others did is not this point in your life.
They are #notthepoint OF your life.
The point of #yourlife, at this point of your life, is the pin-prick of the most dazzling light that you see shining through the key hold/hole somewhere deep inside this dark-shadowed pain.
It's the inevitability of unlocking it.
It's the potentiality of cracking open your #humanity to reach into the center and experience your #God Self.
And that #Courage, that #Heart, that #Willingness of your #Spirit to run headlong through the hell fires of unimaginable pain
That is why you are a Badass.
Happy (Dark) Heart Day
