Your body doesn’t hate you. Your body isn’t a prison. Your body hasn’t betrayed you.
Your Body is Home.
And while you might know that intellectually, actually experiencing it begins in your pelvis.
If you are someone who desires to heal your pelvic floor/sexual pain, chronic low back pain, or lingering trauma symptoms,
If you are someone who, even more than wanting to be pain free, desires
To build a better relationship with yourself in which you trust your body instead of being afraid of or angry with it,
To feel able to express the truest version of your Self, confident in your movements and in your intuition, and
To be fully present in relationships (and life as a whole) that are currently being dulled and preoccupied by physical and emotional pain

Then I invite you to work with me.
During your treatment plan we will move toward your desires on physical and functional levels as well as on emotional and energetic ones. Here we do not just work with your bodymind’s innate intelligence, we honor its role as conductor and learn how to follow its flow to accelerate your healing. Our efforts will be centered around
Learning your bodymind’s native language
You may already have an understanding of how your unconscious (your body) communicates with you. We will sure-up that rapport, and dive even deeper, breaking out of habituated interpretations to access the healing messages that are getting lost in patterns that seem familiar. One of my gifts is asking the right questions (the comments I hear most in sessions are “That’s a great question!” “I’ve never made that connection before.”) so we are sure to find something revolutionary in our explorations. Even if you’re positive you’ve looked at the metaphysical meanings of your symptoms and the stories you’ve been telling yourself from every angle, there’s another one and I will help you find it to reach the breakthrough you seek.
The other benefit of this focus is the practice to distinguish between signals that are outdated or temporary (things like triggered trauma responses and short term, healthy compensations that may be uncomfortable like a joint self-adjusting) from ones that are calling for specific attention, helping to calm anxiety and decrease catastrophizing around bodily sensations.
Creating alignment and fluid stability
I can see where you are in relation to your body (aka how embodied you are) and use that sense to help you strengthen your connection to the physical parts of yourself which ultimately means you will have more internal support to create healthy, sustainable movement patterns, greater access to your internal resources to metabolize stresses and challenges, and heightened connection to your own gifts and presence. We will also address structural misalignments to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest, digest, heal response) and make sure that your physical form is in optimal shape to healthily respond to environmental and emotional stimuli as well as to receive and cradle your energy.
Making space by releasing tension, scar tissue, and trapped/stagnant energy
Cultivating comfort in your bodymind requires increasing your somatic capacity, your ability to actually hold and engage with yourself, life events, and others’ experiences. If the space you take up is bound by restrictions and filled with painful associations, then of course you are going to dissociate, shut down or be otherwise overwhelmed by pain. This aspect of our time together is about discovering what it feels like to let things go instead of bottle them up. It is also the part where we release what your tissues are already holding, inviting your structural and energetic patterns to reorganize into ones that are conducive to fostering and attracting joy, peace, and pleasure.
Working with multiple planes of existence simultaneously
Because body and mind are simply different expressions of the same entity (ie You), addressing issues solely structurally or only energetically can often be minimally or temporarily effective. Lasting change needs both. With that understanding in mind, some of the specific modalities we will combine to inspire the profound, positive changes you are looking for are Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique, Maya Abdominal Massage, functional movement assessment and correction (especially through the breath line), somatic shadow work and integration, energy work (including Emotion Code, Chakra Balancing, Magnetic Field Clearing, and my own natural magick), ritual working, sensational unwinding, and divine inquiry.
Treatment plans start at 4 weeks/$2000, and include all sessions (1-2 hours each), poignant self care suggestions, and unlimited text/voicemail support. We will discuss best recommendations for container length and session frequency after consulting with your bodymind during your introductory session (about 60 minutes, $160).

You will get the most out of this experience if:
You have sought other therapies (such as PT, talk therapy, energy work, massage, spiritual practice, etc) and still feel stuck or unsatisfied with where you are in healing, or have a sense that there is something that's still just out of reach
You have a basic understanding of your body’s needs - meaning you can tell when your emotions and states are influenced by need for food, sleep, movement or other physical care - and you actively move to meet those needs (or in the case of some of my neurodivergent people, make concerted effort to address those needs least 60% of the time)
You are someone who straddles the threshold between science minded intellectual and energetically aware, magickally inclined mythical creature
If this offering feels like the space in which you can take the next steps toward releasing pain and befriending all aspects of your body, mind, and spirit, book your initial BodyMind Inquiry here.
If you are interested in working together, but do not live local to Philadelphia/South Jersey, send me an email to inquire about virtual work or an in-person healing immersion.