Check for these trigger points if you have pelvic or genital pain! Knots are a source of pain in many conditions including those in the pelvic area. Really! If we do consider trigger points as a contributor to our incontinence or genital pain, we will usually think of only addressing those that occur in the pelvic floor. And that’s super valuable! But trigger points in external muscles can also create the pelvic discomfort. Below is a list of external muscles that can refer pain into your pelvis, pelvic organs, and genitals separated by symptom for ease of reference.
Pelvic Pain
Rectus abdominis
External obliques
Internal obliques
Adductor magnus
Obturator internus (deep pelvis and pudendal nerve pain)
Lateral hip rotators (at insertion on femur head)
Gluteus medius
Groin and Hip Pain
Rectus abdominis
External obliques
Adductor magnus
Quadratus lumborum
Gluteus medius
Tensor fascia latae

Genital Pain
Rectus abdominis
Quadratus lumborum
Lateral hip rotators (at insertion on femur head)
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Bladder Pain and Urinary Issues
Rectus abdominis (especially immediately superior/above the pubic bone)
External obliques
Internal obliques
Adductor magnus
Obturator internus
Pain with Sitting and Rectal Pain
Rectus abdominis (at the suprapubic area)
Adductor magnus
Obturator internus
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus minimus
Low Back Pain
Lateral hip rotators (at insertion on femur head)
Gluteus medius
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Sacroiliac (SI) and Sciatica Pain
Obturator internus
Quadratus lumborum
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
What a list! Did you find any of these trigger points? Did any of them reproduce your symptoms or lessen them as you worked on them? Let me know in the comments! And remember to share with someone who is looking to find relief from pelvic pain!
Rhiannon Flores-Drennen
LMBT & Founder of Philosopher's Stone Therapeutic Massage
Serving Haddonfield, NJ and Surrounding Areas

Rhiannon loves helping you solve your pain puzzles! A chronic pain specialist with a sub-specialty in pelvic dysfunction, she understands the huge impact pain can have on your life and is dedicated to helping you reach your health goals so you can enjoy your life fully and whole. Though her style can sometimes be described as "therapeutic fluff," she is not the therapist to see for a "just to treat myself" massage.
Augmenting her initial massage training with multiple courses and certifications including SMRT, ATMAT, and IHPS she has the skills to create effective and lasting change for you. But don't go on blind faith - check out her amazing reviews!