I just had to tell you about my Arvigo training!
Dancing around a campfire actually able to see the milky way through the forest canopy above us. At least once a day someone mimes a uterine position. A massage practical, graduation ceremony, wine, and more dancing to top it all off. Not your typical learning environment!

After 2 years of taking the initial courses and submitting 36 case reports, I took the final course needed to earn my certification in the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®. For those of you who have experienced this modality, you already know that there is next to nothing out there like it. It can improve conditions many have just come to accept as their normal. Most profoundly, it can deepen your sense of connection to self, helping you to tap into the often ignored small voice inside leading to all sorts of transformation. I believe Arvigo accomplishes so much, so simply not only due to the physiological effects, but because of the sense reverence, detail, and community in which it is taught to practitioners and through practitioners to their clients.
Arvigo trainings are part retreat, part academic to applied anatomy, part massage jam. They draw practitioners from nearly all bodywork professions and backgrounds. Being in an environment where this type of interdisciplinary collaboration is rare and I am so grateful that I was able to both contribute to and benefit from this amazing collection of knowledge. And I've brought back so much more than enhanced and additional skills because of this atmosphere.
It is immensely humbling to be confronted by how much you do not know. It is also super exciting to realize how much more there is to learn! I am attaching my continuous anatomy and pathology research with renewed vigor and a much needed sense of functional order.
Beyond the theory, it is also incredibly special as a bodywork to be able to both give and receive from multiple others in a condensed period of time. It is a strong reminder of how different things can feel when you are on the massage table and opposed to when you're standing beside it. Of how suddenly emotions can be released and how difficult verbalization can become in those moments. Having those experiences has inspired me to examine some of my practices and tell them to better ensure every client feels safe and able to be heard in my studio.
Basically, I am just stellarly excited by all of the wonderful that is Arvigo Therapy® and had to gush! Give me a call if you would like to learn more about how the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® can help you! After all, Every Body Needs a Belly Rub :-)
Rhiannon Flores-Drennen
LMBT & Founder of Philosopher's Stone Therapeutic Massage
Serving Haddonfield, NJ and Surrounding Areas

Rhiannon loves helping you solve your pain puzzles! A chronic pain specialist with a sub-specialty in pelvic dysfunction, she understands the huge impact pain can have on your life and is dedicated to helping you reach your health goals so you can enjoy your life fully and whole. Though her style can sometimes be described as "therapeutic fluff," she is not the therapist to see for a "just to treat myself" massage.
Augmenting her initial massage training with multiple courses and certifications including SMRT, ATMAT, and IHPS she has the skills to create effective and lasting change for you. But don't go on blind faith - check out her amazing reviews!